Product Details & Specifications
Not recommended for use with mulch kit Recommended to use part 285-383 Heavy Duty spindle assembly
Center hole 5 pt. star Center to Center 4" Length 19-1/4" Outer Hole 3/8" Packaging type Branded label Thickness 0.187" Width 2-1/2"
AYP 12784, 127842, 134148, 138407, 138497, 138970, 139774, 193957, 513897001, 531307221, 532134148, 532138497, 532138970, 581116302, 917127842, 917138497MS, 917138970, 917532138497, 917532138970 Craftsman 127842, 134148, 138497, 917127842, 917138497MS, 917138970, 917532138497, 917532138970 Husqvarna 532127842, 532134148, 532138497, 532139774 Poulan 134148, 138497, 531307221, 532127842, 532134148, 532138497, PP24001
AYP Requires 2 for 38" deck Husqvarna Requires 2 for 38" deck Poulan Requires 2 for 38" deck Poulan Pro Requires 2 for 38" deck