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International DT466, Early DT466B & DT466C Torque & Engine Specifications

Engine Details & Torque Specs
Engine Make: International
Engine Cubic Inches: 466
Engine Model: DT466, Early DT466B & DT466C
Engine Notes: ESN Thru 439617 narrow bearings 1.230" mains 1.200" rod
Other Notes: narrow crankshaft bearing width: 1.230" mains, 1.200" rods, crankshaft cast C1 or C2
Year/Serial: DT466 DTI466 DT466B Thru 193854; DTI466B DT466C Thru 440035; DTI466C Thru 439617
Fuel: Diesel
Cylinders: 6
Bore: 4.3005"
Stroke: 5.350"
Firing Order: 1-5-3-6-2-4
Intake Valve Lash: .025" cold (.635 mm)
Exhaust Valve Lash: .025" cold (.635 mm)
Rod Torque: 115 ft/lbs
Head Torque: 110, 115, 165 ft/lbs
Main Torque: 115 ft/lbs
Rod Journal Diameter: 3.1494-3.1506" (79.995-80.025mm)
Main Journal Diameter: 3.5344-3.5356" (89.774-89.804mm)
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