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Detroit S60 14.0L Torque & Engine Specifications

Engine Details & Torque Specs
Engine Make: Detroit
Engine Cubic Inches: 855
Engine Model: S60 14.0L
Engine Notes: Series 60, 14.0L
Other Notes:
Fuel: Diesel
Cylinders: 6
Bore: 133mm
Stroke: 168mm
Firing Order:
Intake Valve Lash: .008" (.203 mm)
Exhaust Valve Lash: .020" cold (.508 mm)
Rod Torque: 118-137 ft/lbs
Head Torque: 1986-2002: 185-210 ft/lbs, September 2002 & up: 220 ft/lbs
Main Torque: 347-391 ft/lbs
Rod Journal Diameter: 94.975-95.000mm
Main Journal Diameter: 124.968-124.993mm
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