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Caterpillar 3306, 10.5L Torque & Engine Specifications

Engine Details & Torque Specs
Engine Make: Caterpillar
Engine Cubic Inches: 638
Engine Model: 3306, 10.5L
Engine Notes: supply engine serial number and arrangement number
Other Notes:
Fuel: Diesel
Cylinders: 6
Bore: 4.750"
Stroke: 6.000"
Firing Order: 1-5-3-6-2-4
Intake Valve Lash: .015" cold (.381 mm)
Exhaust Valve Lash: .025" cold (.635 mm)
Rod Torque: 30 ft/lbs +90 degrees
Head Torque: 115, 175, 175 ft/lbs, 3/8 bolts: 22, 32, 32 ft/lbs
Main Torque: 30 ft/lbs +90 degrees
Rod Journal Diameter: 2.9987-3.0003" (76.167-76.208mm)
Main Journal Diameter: 3.4990-3.5000" (88.875-88.9mm)

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